God Orchestrates our lives

     Have you ever realized how God orchestrates our lives?  I lived in Santa Rosa for 20 years and worked at Costco for 7 years.  As I was driving to Oroville Ca. to see my sister, Cathy   I was praying and talking to God.  I had felt for about 6 months that God was going to make some kind of move in my life, not knowing at all what it might be.  So I asked Him, "Lord  I feel that your going to make a move, were am I going and what am I doing"?  He said so plain, "You are going to move over this way, you are going to buy a house, your going to get your transfer and your kids are going to be fine.  My thought was I never really wanted to move from Santa Rosa but God had His own ideas.   By the time I got to my sister's I was so excited I could hardly stand it.  Of course my family was very excited also.

     After a few days of visiting with my family I was on my way home and again, yes you quessed it, I was talking to God.  This time I was telling Him what was going to happen.  I said that I would wait till my son was out of college and then move after 2 years.  I thought that was a good idea!  Well God had other plans!  I get home, my daughter Krissy tells me that the landlords are coming by the next day.  Wasn't sure why, so I called them.  I found out that they were going to raise the rent to an amount that I could not pay.  So, quess what?  It was all God's plan.  I put in my transfer to the Chico and Redding Costco and said "Ok God you pick" and he picked Redding.   With in 3 and a half months  I got my transfer, bought a house and moved to Redding.  Daughter Krissy moved with me, Danny stayed in Santa Rosa.  Had a struggle for awhile but is doing fine. I've been in Shasta Lake for 14 years now.

    Gods plan was bigger than I could even imagine.  I moved up the end of 2000. My parents lived in Red Bluff, about 40 minutes from my home.  I was able to see them every week. What fun times we had.  During the 2 and a half years with my parents I was able to share my God stories that I experienced.  In January of 2003 my Dad was going in for hip surgery, his second one.  On my way to the hospital I was talking to God, asking him to open the door to talk to my parents about Jesus.  I don't know what it is about talking to your parents about Jesus that makes you so nervous, but I was.  Before the nurse came in to take my Dad up to the operating room God opened the door so I could ask them to open up their hearts and let Jesus in.  They both did.   My Dad came out of surgery just fine. My Mom had been dealing with some sickness for a few years.  2 months after my Dad's surgery we found out my Mom had cancer.  On June 22 2003 she passed.

     Now think about it.  If I didn't obey God and move up to Redding I wouldn't have had the time with my Mom or wouldn't have had the chance to lead her to the Lord.  Thank you God!!!  Sometimes when God tells us what to do we think we know better.  Well we don't!!!!  So don't argue with Him, just listen and do what He says.  God loves us so much he wants the best for us.   I was able to spend time with my Dad for 9 years before he passed on Oct 22, 2012.  I will share that story another time.

    For everyone that reads this, If you don't know Jesus as your personal savior its time to make that decision.  Open up your heart and let him in. He is there knocking at you heart. We never know when our time is up.  Just ask  God to forgive you of your sins. Jesus died for you on the cross. The blood of Jesus was shed for you, just receive it. In Jesus Name Amen.

Cathy 21.01.2015 23:47

Great to see this up and running

Dorothy 21.01.2015 16:46

Hi Cheryl, it really is amazing what God does when we pay attention! love & miss you, take good care!

Marsha McCarthy 20.01.2015 22:52

nice Cheryl. Love reading your story. God surrounds you daily

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12.09 | 19:37

Well we just got back from our first Women's Conference and it was awesome!!!

13.08 | 22:23

Don't keep us hanging on tenter-hooks!

10.12 | 19:32


21.09 | 05:30

You should have a weekly blog to inspire people